I started the Keener Living blog in March 2007, a few months after I retired. It now has over 800 posts, several of which remain popular.
But, blogging has become a pain in the butt. It seems like I spend more time with admin tasks than I do with putting thought into what posts to write. It should not have to be this way.
I’m 62 years old, and no longer want to fool with tweaking my server and with updating to the latest WordPress software every time it is updated (too often to suit me). I just want to communicate what I believe is worth sharing.
Plus, I no longer like the name “Keener Living.” It’s a stupid name. My intention was to have a blog that focused on living better, on using technology to make things easier for you (so you could spend more time on what matters), and on helping you stay an active learner, no matter how old you are. I chose a name that I thought reflected this, but, in hindsight, it was a stupid name.
So, because I do want to keep sharing my thoughts and experience, I am changing my approach to blogging to one that doesn’t require me to focus on server performance and software upgrades. I am “moving” my blog to a new blogging home: http://www.brucekeener.com/ To subscribe to the new blog, you can use this RSS Feed link or the Email Subscription link available on the site.
All of my future posts will be there. A couple of new posts are there already, including one that gives a bit more detail on why I “moved.”
Note that I used the word “moved” in quotes … that’s because I’m moving my mind over to the new blog, but this blog will continue to physically exist, at least for the foreseeable future. The reason I’m not moving totally is that there is not a good way, yet, to import all of the posts in this blog into my new blog.
(There is a tool that is supposed to do it, but it does not do it, perhaps because my exported xml file is too big, at about 8MB, or perhaps because WordPress uses threaded comments and Blogger does not, or … who knows …)
Many of you have made very useful and insightful comments on my posts, and I hope you will continue to do so at my new “blogging home.” Here’s hoping that I’m doing the right thing in making this “move” and that it will allow me more time (and energy) to develop more useful posts than the previous platform did.
Update: As an example of what I mean, last week I updated this blog to the newly released WordPress 3.2 … today, WordPress 3.2.1 is available.