3 Advantages of Assisted Living

Assisted Living

As our loved ones get older, we may start to notice they have trouble getting around themselves.  Even simple tasks like making meals or taking a bath may start to become a challenge.  It’s often at this point that families start posing the question of what steps to take to ensure their loved ones’ needs are well looked after.  For this reason, many families look into assisted living as a solution.

And while initially the idea of moving your loved one into a new living space may not seem ideal, there are many misconceptions about assisted living that you should know. Contrary to popular belief, assisted living does not mean your loved one will lose their independence.  In fact, it’s quite the opposite. Here are some of the key advantages of assisted living, and how it can benefit the life of your loved one.

Around the Clock Care

As much as we might like to believe that we can help take care of our older loved ones, the truth is that often we have full time jobs and families of our own to look after. We may not be available to help our loved one at any time of the day. The advantage of assisted living is that there is always someone on site to help your loved one with whatever they need.

From monitoring their health concerns, to assisting with bathing and getting dressed, residents get the help they need while also maintaining their dignity. In truth, it’s often easier to accept help from a professional than it is to ask a friend or family member to make an emergency visit to your home.

Social Engagement

As we get older, we may not be as social as we once were. Whether it’s due to reduced mobility, or having less opportunities to get out and socialize, many seniors may experience feelings of isolation, and even depression because of or longing for social connection. In an assisted living facility, residents have access to plenty of events and activities, making for a full and vibrant social calendar. From game nights, to eating meals with other residents, there is a strong sense of community in an assisted living facility.


Unfortunately, as much as we might like to believe we’re safe in the world, the truth is that the world is becoming increasingly more dangerous. As such, your older loved one may not feel as safe living at home on their own anymore. Assisted living facilities are designed with residents’ safety in mind.  Your older loved one can rest assured knowing that there is around the clock security where not just anyone off the street can come in. This peace of mind is well worth it for seniors concerned about intruders.

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