Custom Thesis Theme Code: YouCanHaz for Only $5

Update: My code is now freely available via this link.

Several people have complimented me on this site’s design, and so I have decided to make the custom code available to those who are interested. (I am also doing this because I am ready to switch to another design.) Specifically, I am making available my custom_functions.php file and custom.css file, along with a couple of graphics.

The custom_functions file is heavily annotated with comments on what each function does. To use this code, you must be using the Thesis Theme.

Some of the functionality provided by the custom_functions file include:

  • Optional framebusting code (to prevent other sites, such as Digg, from hosting your content within one of their frames)
  • Code for proper loading of jQuery from Google’s fast, fast servers
  • Conditional coding to provide different sidebars depending on what page is displayed (for example, the page for my fingerstyle guitar picking has a different sidebar than other pages)
  • Displaying author, publication date, and categories at bottom of post, along with tags
  • Code for adding noindex metatags to selected pages (such as donation and contact pages), which is helpful for SEO
  • Code for displaying related posts and social network linking
  • Code for showing different ads depending on the post category or tag

    The custom.css file is is marked up to show how to implement the navigation menu using either Thesis 1.5.1 (or earlier) or Thesis 1.6 (or later). A graphic is included to show the Design Options Panel settings for the Nav Menu in the 1.6 implementation.

    To purchase the code, just click on this link or use the image below. Processing is handled by PayPal. Note that you do not have to be a member of PayPal … you can use a credit card instead.

    Screen shots of the design are shown below (click to enlarge).

    Top view:

    Custom Thesis Theme Code YouCanHaz for Only $5

    After post view:

    Custom Thesis Theme Code YouCanHaz for Only $5

    I hope you benefit from this code, and of course I’d like to hear from you if you have any problems with it. If I have modified the design from the screenshots shown above, please feel free after your purchase to email me and ask for an update of the custom.css file (provided that I am still using Thesis). Take care.

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